Saturday, 27 August 2011

Last Friday

Hello all....

Last friday,before recess,I had promise myself to borrow 2 reference book"buku rujukan",1 for me and another one for my brother from my economic teacher,Puan Siti Aishah.
Because I din't have one...cause I no money buy for a  new one mah, lar...just joking...
I know it also too late to buy a new one now...So I have to borrow...

After take a breakfast at canteen,and the way going back to my class,Hany and Adila cross over me,but I just smile to them only,hahaha.....Cause I'm going the staff room meh...
I went into my class and put down my "bekas" and once I step out from the class...

Someone calling my name,"Hoong!" from a quiet far distance,then I look at the way...
Wooo,Hany is calling for me...I though she is calling for other people,before I go to her,I made a confirm only go,if not I will be embarassing for sure,hahahaha....
Anyway I like the way somebody call me like that...

Well,I go to her afterward....Then she asked me for take photo with them..
I was surprise and happy to hear that!
Maybe the last before that,I got chat with her...
I told her 1 week holiday can't see you all and i will be sad sad mah
then we take some photo lo hahaha,seen like last day in school.. sobsob..
Then Adila go in to the class and take her camera...
And we all ready for take photo,hahaha

1,2,3 Smile...

Double Twins! ❤

So lucky my best friend,Daniel was going back to his class,and I also ask him to take photo together!

We looking somewhere?

And this is me! Nice shoot right? Thanks Adila!

By the way,Adila din't take a photo with us... But next time lar~~~ hehehe

Thanks everyone!
See you guy after 1 week, and study hard for up-coming of SPM TRIAL!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

No pain no gain!

Hello all...
Yesterday we lost in MSI DotA tournament perak qualifier...
Congratulation to GnR team...
Although we lose,but we will never give up too...and next time will be better!

x.MerC Team

Monday, 22 August 2011

Final Stage

Well, Hello guy....

Tomorrow is another final match for MSI DotATournament Perak Qualifier with my teammate...

Stanley who is my leader...I wan't to apologize to him and also the other mates....
Because my support skill is not very well...
But Tomorrow I will do my best to help our team to get the victor....
I really happy to have a team with you and also deezai( Huai Ti ) and Dash and Eugene!
Tonight is our last practice already.... I hope we all can get enough ready to face the final match!

Although last time we lost once... But this time is the another golden chance to let us glab the


Good Luck My team....
All the Best! 

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Form 5' Memories

Hi all...
I love years of 2011 which is the year I had alot of nice memory in SMK Tambun...

The total number of student is this school is 85% for Malays,10% for Indian and 5% for Chinese...
(Just example) that mean the school majority is malays...

Since I'm form 2...I walks to school every morning and also back from school...Because my house just beside my school, Haha...

What for you going to the school?

Study? Learn? Oh yeah... That's all is needed...
But for me, Friendship is also a thing that I can't lack in my school's life...

Thanks Buddha for giving me the chance to know alot friends in school...
They are my best friends in the school,They always supporting,caring,helping me.etc

They are really important to me! Let's see what I wan't to say about them :)

Ignore the arrangement please...

They all are my best friends!
Here they are....

Daniel and Siti

Hany and Me

Me,Adila and Hany

Me,Adila and My Brother

Adila And The Twins

Me,Liana and My Brother

Siti and Liana

Farawa and Adibah


Thinesh and Farid

Me and Farid

Gary and the gang

I hope our friendship will never end,Can it be? Friends...


Be Happy Always

1st Date With New Buddy.

Good night anyone...
Tonight is very fun with Stanley and Huai Ti...
A few week ago,My friend,Stanley asked me to go Huai Ti's blog to have a look..
I found that his post is about he get bored every saturday night....because sunday is his Offday...
He also said that Ipoh have no friends... Huh,We not your friends?
So,Stanley and me plan to make a hangout and have some fun together...
We had plan to watch a movie at Jaya Jusco,Ipoh

It's call "Fortune Buddies"  which is a chinese comedy movie...

Let's talk about the hangout...
I reached there 6.30p.m. but Stanley is the one who most early,but Huai Ti is the latest person to reach there..
Before we waiting Huai Ti comes....Stanley ask us to buy a "Flavour Twist" at McDonald...

Me and Stanley ordered apple flavour but my brother is strawberry...
It's is very delicous and cheap too...and we eating while walking around in Jusco...
I have saw alot of chinese girl who look very nice one... and some malays
Hurm.....I keep thinking... If the malay's girl did not wear their "Tudung",and they do some make-up
They also look nice...but too bad...they must follow their religion....
I also met a teacher from my school with his hubby...Wow,that is very sweet~~~ haha
After we finish the ice-cream,we buy another one more!
Cause it's too delicous,and Stanley did not have his dinner before come to Jusco...Pityful...
After finish it,I went to toilet...And Stanley called my phone..
He told me that Huai Ti is reach and they are going the way to cinema already...
But too bad,I'm the one who most fast to reach the cinema! hehehe
Well, We all look very handsome .... Hahaha...
But one funny thing is 3 of us wear white pants but my brother is black one...
ANTI him! haha...
And then we all go to buy popcorn,this time my brother pay for it! because last time i buy for him! Fair lor~~
And we saw a chinese girl who is standing alone around the counter,maybe she waiting for her parents
Anyways,She is a beautiful girl...I admit that I have pay attention on her , hahaha...
Ok, we go in to the room(Room One) after it...our seat is the last second row...
Sadly because when I buying the ticket the counter say all the nice seat is finish,and I had no choice..
But! We same row with just now that girl!!!! hahaha
Huai Ti is very lucky to sit beside the girl, hoho... But Huai Ti din't take any action! aiyoyoyo..
haha,nevermind la...
We really enjoyed the movie! It's very fun at early and quiet touching at last,you guys should watch it :D
At the fun part, I laugh like a crazy, the one who is the most laugh with loudly is ME, hahaha
It's really funny la..
The Most Classic Part
A job is required a person who must have the good eloquence...
This conversation is between 2 man...
Man 1: Anyone interest in this job?
Man 2: Me!
Man 1: Can you talk a story to me?
Man 2: Of couse,I good in talk story...
Man 1:Well,I have a request,the story must contain 3 elements,Scary,Funny and Tragedy...
Man 2: Okay,Listen..

Long time ago,a city have a zombie...

And then the zombie farted...
And it died...

Hahahaha,It's really so funny at the time and my tears come out already...cause I'm laugh nonstop....

I can't decrible it well,but the time when you watch it,that really make you laugh,hahahaha...

The movie ends at 10.35 p.m....
And we wen't to some place to have our supper after it..
Chicken Wing....Ikan bakar...Honeydew + milk.... emmmmmmmmm.... Delicous,hahahaha
We also chat at there about our srategy of DotA...which is the game I most like... hehe
Rain is coming suddenly....And we all wen't to a place and call our parents to fetch us back to home...

Well,That's all for tonight...
Thanks to my buddies...Hope next time we got the other chance again..... Good night...

Friday, 19 August 2011

New Playlist!

Yeah! Finally my new playlist is done!
Hope you all will like it,I will add more songs soon....
And I also hope you all can stay tuned in my blog. By Ray

Waiting For My new Playlist!

Hey All,I just become a member of soundcloud , and I made a new playlist for my blog...
Creating a new playlist there need download all the songs you wan't and reupload it...
I download alot piano version's song! I like it so much!
Anyways,It's took alot of my times to doing download and upload...
And now...I'm waiting the website to creating the playlist for me...
Let's say it failed,nevermind...
I will just using diffirent playlist for all the songs,haha
It will abit messy...
I hope it will be success la,Then I can use it and share to you all! From Ray.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Tired Editing...

Well,I'm quiet tired,haha
Since I'm New here...So I need to spend more time to learn how to editing about header,background,etc...
I had spent alot time to do some editing...but I don't know how was it... I hope my friends can give me some comment , so I can change it...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

About Myself

Hi,Ray Here...
I would like to share about myself,just simple
My real name is Chew Why Hoong,You can just call me either "WhyHoong" or "Hoong",
Otherwise you can call me Ray also,That's Lovely(Hoong),hehe...
Please Dont CALL me "Chew",I have my own reason there....
I'm 17 years old My DOB is 11/11/1994...
This year 2011 is very special for me...Guess what's it....^^
I'm a Chinese boy and I'm Buddhist too...

I love my parents very much especially my daddy and mommy ❤
In my real life,Parent and Friends are very impotant to me...But too bad,I don't have much friends...
I hope all my friend won't  think that I'm a very annoying person...Maybe they won't understand about me...
I just have less friends...
Sometime,I don't like my friend to ignore me like din't reply my message then I will become EMO ,I'm a person like that...Maybe they just wan't to ignore me or they are really busy on their stuff? Who knows...
My friends told me I look scary when I EMO... Really? (haha)
I like to EMO~~~Well,That's all from today.... Stay tuned and Don't forget to be my followers ,Good nite By Ray
11:54 p.m.

Hello ALL :)

Hello all, Ray here...
Nice to meet you all,
Erm...Today is my first time to play blog,
Before this,I had also seen alot of my friends' blog also...
Their Blog is very nice,they design it very well especially for girls.
Sometime I thinking wan't to have my own blog, Lol..
In their blogs,I can see alot of their mind and all about their life-thing.
Well,I also have alot thing to share with you all about my mind and feeling.
So,I really hope you guys will Become my follower,Thanks.